ISO Rating

Insurance Services Office (ISO) Rating
Currently the Lake City Area Fire Protection District has a split classification rating of 03/3Y. The 03 applies to properties that are located within 1000 feet of a fire hydrant and the 3Y applies to properties that are located beyond 1000 feet of a hydrant but within 5 miles of the fire station.
The Fire District has recently upgraded fire apparatus and equipment in continuing efforts to improve the Public Protection Classification (PPC) rating for our community from a 4/4Y to 03/3Y. This anticipated improvement will result in savings for property insurance premiums within our District.
The PPC rating is a direct reflection of a community’s fire suppression delivery system. These apparatus and equipment upgrades will benefit property owners within the Lake City Area Fire Protection District through cost savings and superior fire protection.
The Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO) collects information on fire protection efforts in communities and analyzes the data using a Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS). ISO will then assign a Public Protection Classification (PPC) ranging from 1 to 10, with 1 being the best and 10 the worst.
Virtually all U.S. insurance companies use PPC information to help establish fair premiums for fire insurance, generally offering lower premiums in communities with better protection. By offering economic benefits for communities that invest in their firefighting services, the program provides a real incentive for improving and maintaining public fire protection.
How does Lake City compare?

Numbers of communities in Colorado per PPC class. Lake City Area Fire Protection District currently has a split rating of 03/3Y. Click chart above to view it as a larger image.
More ISO Information
Mitigation Online
Up-to-date information on community efforts to mitigate the risk of losses from fire and natural hazards. Click here to visit the Mitigation Online website.